Growing pains and grace.

First, I want to say I am learning A LOT this season. Second, in keeping the theme of positivity, things ARE growing. It is so amazing to walk in the backyard and see the little seeds I started months ago take shape and transform into something beautiful. I am grateful.

Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty. This shit is HARD! I knew it would be, but I had no idea the timing, the care, and the cost of a not even successful but just a producing flower farm. Aphids, bunnies, torrential downpours, early season raging heat, wind, etc… the challenges just keep on coming! I regrettably had to cancel my first famers market. Bunnies ate the tops off of everything preparing to bloom and I was unsure I would even have enough for even 5 bouquets, and I was right. It is really disappointing. I started thinking I bit off way more than I can chew committing to sell at markets. Talking with my husband helped immensely - he has this really great way of grounding me when I start spiraling. He assessed all of the progress made, and he told me he was proud of me (dawwww). Sometimes all you need is that pat-on-the-back, nod of recognition, or a kind word to put everything in perspective and help you realize you are not alone on this path. I immediately felt a wave of relief over my body and the word “GRACE” popped into my mind. I cannot force this process, but I can learn and I can lean on this little family of mine. I can continue to extend grace to myself, my flowers, my family, and our dream.

We’ll see you at the next farmers market with 5 bouquets or 105 bouquets!

With love,


